The Irish Parallel of Óðinn on the Windy Tree: The Trial of Fionn at Slieve Cuilinn Having previously compared Apollo and Óðinn with regard to the famous "Windy Tree" myth ( link ), we find that Irish Fionn also has a myth specifically paralleling this myth of Óðinn upon the tree. In order to analyze this parallel we will first repost the central portion of our previous analysis to refresh the readers' memories regarding the parallel between Óðinn and Apollo, and then we will bring in Fionn's myth. Óðinn hangs on the windy tree, wounded by a spear and enduring nine "long nights," in order to gain the runes and the powers they can give access to, these runes then being one of the central elements of the spell that revives the dead. The runes themselves are sometimes speculated to have been instruments of divination and prophecy as well. Havamal 79 refers to “asking” runes, and that which is asked coming true: “All will prove true that thou askest of run...