Ragnarok: The Doom of the Gods in Germanic, Vedic, Celtic and Greek Branches Ragnarok: The Twilight of the Gods in Germanic, Vedic, Celtic and Greek Branches Besides the Aesir-Vanir war, a second war found in Norse myth also is frequently cited as unique to the Norse, and is often considered a poor match to the wars found in the other Indo-European branches. In this war, Ragnarok, we are told there will be a great series of cataclysms as well as the deaths of nearly all the gods, resulting in the end of this world as we know it, with the returned Baldr and the mysterious Lord of the endtimes leading the way into a newborn age. All bonds of kinship, duty, and morality will disintegrate, the Sun will be swallowed by the wolf, the stars will disappear, winter will last for years, mountains will crumble, and the whole world will be burned by Surtr's fire. If we look at the great wars of the gods and god-incarnations found in the Indian Mahabharata , the Irish Battle ...